Our system has a lot of Reports defined and I'm tasked with cleaning them up. The first thing I want to do is determine when each was last used. I found some searches that are supposed to help, but they are too old or something, results are invalid (e.g. I am getting back Alerts and Searches when I want only Reports).
Out of 199 Reports 7 are scheduled so I can guess when they ran last.
Can someone show me a search that returns Reports each with their last run date?
I was able to find a provenance="UI:Report" inside of index=_introspection sourcetype=search_telemetry that I think will have the data you are after.
Example SPL:
index=_introspection sourcetype=search_telemetry desc.provenance="UI:Report" earliest=-90d@d latest=now
| stats
values(host) as hosts,
latest(timestamp) as last_run_epoch
by "desc.app", "desc.savedsearch_name"
| eval
duration_since_last_run=tostring((now()-'last_run_epoch'), "duration")
| convert
ctime(last_run_epoch) as last_run_timestamp
I was able to find a provenance="UI:Report" inside of index=_introspection sourcetype=search_telemetry that I think will have the data you are after.
Example SPL:
index=_introspection sourcetype=search_telemetry desc.provenance="UI:Report" earliest=-90d@d latest=now
| stats
values(host) as hosts,
latest(timestamp) as last_run_epoch
by "desc.app", "desc.savedsearch_name"
| eval
duration_since_last_run=tostring((now()-'last_run_epoch'), "duration")
| convert
ctime(last_run_epoch) as last_run_timestamp