When a report is scheduled for a specific time using cron; Does the report run from the System timezone, or the user timezone?
For example;
User from EST schedules a report to run via cron at 9pm.
Server time is PST.
When does the report run?
Hi mcrawford,
Known issue in Splunk 6.2:
2014-12-01 SPL-92736 Scheduler ignores user/owner user_pref time zone setting for cron scheduled searches, runs cron scheduled search in relation to system time.
Resolved with this:
2015-04-15 SPL-92736 The scheduler uses the server timezone (GMT) to run scheduled searches, instead of the user timezone preferences, impact the alerts, reports, and summary indexing.
Means until today the cron based scheduler takes the System Time Zone to schedule the Report.
Have a nice day 😉
Server time zone