Hi, Team
I want to use tokens for email and xMater notification. I have one field named Server.
So this is what I write for message for xMatter alerting: Data isn't refreshed in time on $result.Server$
But here's what I received: Data isnt refreshed in time on genesys-pulse-tko-04.hk.hsbc genesys-pulse-tko-04.hk.hsbc
The name of server shows twice on the message.
Another case is I use token for email notification:
here's what I write on splunk:
The alert condition for $result.Server$ was triggered.
here's what I receive when the alert is triggered:
Anyone knows the reason of these cases?
Do you have the link to the search results with these alerts?
In the first case, does the Server field have a multivalue for the first row of the results?
In the second case, is the Server field empty for the first row of the results?
Can you expand to show the extracted fields? (Click on the > in the i column)
Does it ever work?
In the case of there being no value, what should the value be?
Can you try $result._raw$
Thanks so much:) I've solved the problem. I've changed the search command into:
index="cc_projects"| table Server Data_Refresh
|search Data_Refresh = false
the token is still $result.Server$