I frequently use my 400+ splunk saved reports. Thus im constantly accessing this url:
and then type into the search box in the middle (which filters the reports displayed in real-time).
Is there any direct url which can search/list my saved reports? (ie a url that can give me the the same output as typing into the search box in the url above).
ie something like http://splunkServer.com:8000/app/search/saved-reports/reports?q=Cisco
(and then ill see any of my saved-reports where report-title matches "Cisco")
Im trying to add my splunk saved searches as a "My Search Engines" entry in Chrome browser, such that i can just type into the chrome url bar: spr <tab> blah
(and it will bring me to a page showing any saved reports matching "blah" ).
The closest ive been able to pull out is a long splunk url which i can add a search query to, but it returns my saved-reports matches as raw JSON. thanks
BTW: A super useful, related tip for others:
Im already doing this for splunk searches (this= chrome url bar -> splunk search results) via this url below (note the %s at the end, chrome uses %s to fill in what you have typed into the chrome url bar)
(the chrome setting for this is located in: Settings -> Search Engine -> Manage Search engines -> "Other Search Engines" (Add) )
So using chrome keyword "sp" im able to type into the chrome url bar: sp <tab> blah
and i get the splunk search results for "blah" for the past 4 hours.
(ofcourse i can also do: " sp <tab> index=network blah " , and so on )