I have pointed our Juniper firewall to our Splunk installation for logging. My goal is develop a dashboard that we can pull up at any time that tell us the top 20 source addresses and the top 20 destinations in use over a given period of time. I am afraid that I have been striking out so far when it comes to figuring out the search strings needed to produce this dashboard. I am including one syslog event to show what variables there are:
2014-02-21 23:59:58 User.Info 1 2014-02-21T23:59:52.189 Hostname RT_FLOW - RT_FLOW_SESSION_CLOSE [junos@2636. reason="TCP RST" source-address="" source-port="53232" destination-address="" destination-port="445" service-name="junos-smb" nat-source-address="" nat-source-port="53232" nat-destination-address="" nat-destination-port="445" src-nat-rule-name="None" dst-nat-rule-name="None" protocol-id="6" policy-name="35" source-zone-name="Trust" destination-zone-name="Trust" session-id-32="206" packets-from-client="13" bytes-from-client="4274" packets-from-server="9" bytes-from-server="1575" elapsed-time="16" application="UNKNOWN" nested-application="UNKNOWN" username="N/A" roles="N/A" packet-incoming-interface="ge-0/0/2.0"]
Thank you for pointers. This did get me started.
What ended up helping a great deal was to switch to verbose logs (upper left hand side of search window) and then to click on the headings along the left side. I now have really great dashboards for my Juniper syslogs. Thank you for your help!
Thank you for pointers. This did get me started.
What ended up helping a great deal was to switch to verbose logs (upper left hand side of search window) and then to click on the headings along the left side. I now have really great dashboards for my Juniper syslogs. Thank you for your help!
Hi wilbuchanan,
this should be pretty easy according your provided log example. Splunk will create the fields for source-address
and destination-address
on it's own, so you just have to use these fields in your search like this:
PutYourBaseSearchHere | top limit=20 source-address destination-address
this will give you an table like report of each top 20 IP's
hope this helps to get you started ...
cheers, MuS
You're welcome, please accept this answer if it was of help - thanks
Thank you for pointers. This did get me started.
What ended up helping a great deal was to switch to verbose logs (upper left hand side of search window) and then to click on the headings along the left side. I now have really great dashboards for my Juniper syslogs. Thank you for your help!