Is there a way to make a crontab for generating an E-Mail every 6 months?
Sure, this will do it on the 1st of January and July:
0 0 1 */6 *
I find this website useful for testing cron values:
The crontab values from the are not identically to the splunk Syntax, I guess
0 9 1 1/6 * works with crontab.gutu but not in splunk
0 9 1 */6 * works with crontab.gutu and in splunk
Thanks for your Support.
Sure, this will do it on the 1st of January and July:
0 0 1 */6 *
I find this website useful for testing cron values:
There are several ways you could define the cron schedule, depending on your actual use case. This answer may give you some other ideas how you could define the schedule.