I tried to create a customized version of sendemail.py and named it "sendemail2.py"
As I know normally we should be able to override a search command by a copy of commands.conf in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/commands.conf or $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/commands.conf.
However, I've tried both locations still see Splunk looking for sendemail.py in default location $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/bin/sendemail.py
Is there any workable way to create own version of sendemail without changing the original copy?
filename = sendemail2.py
streaming = false
run_in_preview = false
passauth = true
required_fields =
changes_colorder = false
supports_rawargs = true
So you want to basically change the code that calls the sendemail.py routines... Hhmmmm I don't have access to all the information for a definitive answer, but I would assume that the routines calling upon sendemail.py might be (partially) hardcoded into the program and as such unchangeable.
Anyone from the development team reading this thread, feel free to chip in.! 🙂
Probably I forgot to restart.
Now I can confirm having the commands.conf above can allow us to override the existing sendemail.py script.
Would is not be an option to save to original to a secondary (archive) location and then replace it with your customized version? If something goes wrong with you version, you could simply copy the original back from the archive, restart the services and it should be back up and running again...
That is an option (and done in the past) but does not answer my question above "Is there any workable way to create own version of sendemail without changing the original copy?" meaning sendemail.py
Did you restart the splunk service? you should be able to use the customized version of Sendmail file.