index=juniper host="XXXXXXX" | stats count by user | stats count as Users
This query gives output of total number of users connection for the whole time period.
Need help to pull the report for last three months with shows weekwise user data?
| makeresults count=2
| streamstats count
| eval _time=if(count=2,relative_time(_time,"-3month"),relative_time(_time,"@d"))
| makecontinuous span=1d _time
| eval user=mvindex(split("ABC",""),random()%3)
| timechart span=1d count by user
| timewrap 1w
index=juniper host="XXXXXXX"
| timechart span=1d count by user
| timewrap 1w
use appropriate time picker.
Try this. It should give you the required data.
index=juniper host="XXXXXXX" earliest=-90d latest=now() | timechart span=1w count by user
I don't know juniper log. What kind of log is it?
how about timechart span=1w
@to4kawa, it contains the logs of your Virtual Private Network a.k.a VPN. Like which user is connecting to your organizations network via VPN, how many users are connected. Then VPNs are divided region wise, so you get different VPN usage analysis statistics region wise.
thanks @shivanshu1593
I wanted to make sure the questioner could respond.