Is the data from accelerated datamodels and reports replicated as well? I cant find it in the docs...
Summary Replication
Ability to replicate data model acceleration and report acceleration summaries on an indexer cluster.
Hello All, is this something only available for clustered indexing? Can it be used in a non-clustered environment as well?
no, indexers do not communicate with each other in non-clustered environments
No, accelerated reports and datamodels are not replicated. I know because we suffer quite badly from this, effectively reducing the benefit clustering brings to us. I've already requested the feature to Splunk and our reseller but haven't got any firm timeline back when this would be implemented.
hi ... did we find any solution for this ?
Is there any news on when we could expect this feature ? Is has caused us huge issues again today, making a small config change to the indexers (but one that requires a rolling restart) into a multi-hour unavailability of our accelerated datamodels ...
As a supplement, here's the relevant documentation on this topic: