Because alert queries normally look back, say the last 15 minutes to the current time, we need to have our jobs start at say 12:15pm thru midnight.
For now our cron schedule is like this: */15 12-23 * * *, which of course runs from 12pm to 23:45. We see an issue where at 12pm, it may produce a false positive; at midnight (the next day) the alert will not run, and thus we may miss an important alert. We want it to run from 12:15pm thru 00:00 (next day), because of the 'look back' to the previous 15 minutes.
It may be very simple, but so far I'm at a loss. What is the correct way of doing this?
Either modify the search so that it detects the unwanted times and "aborts" or have a separate copy of the alert to just run at midnight
Hi @OliverG91,
did you tried this?
*/15 0,12-23 * * *
*/15 0,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 * * *
*/15 0,12-23 * * *
The problem with this is that it will also run at 00:15, 00:30 and 00:45, which is outside our alert window.
*/15 0,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 * * *
This one works the same way at the first one.
Hi @OliverG91,
I'm afraid that in this case the only solution is to have two alarms:
*/15 12-23 * * *
and another
15 0 * * *
Hi @OliverG91,
sorry I started the click: you can also put a filter inside the search to discard the times you do not want
So you could use:
*/15 12-23 * * *
and in the search add the condition in the main search:
your_search NOT (time_hour=0 time_minute>15)
Either modify the search so that it detects the unwanted times and "aborts" or have a separate copy of the alert to just run at midnight