Hi Splunkers,
I have two lookups where having a common field "values"
For example:
lookup 1 lookup 2
values values
a a
b e
c f
d g
I need to compare these two lookups and get the values that are not in the lookup2 (b,c,d).
I'm using below query but it's not working. Please help. TIA
|inputlookup lookup1.csv
|stats count by "values"
|search NOT [|inputlookup lookup2.csv |fields "values" | fields - count ]
That search seems to work, but without knowing what you are getting it's hard to say, but this is another way to do it
|inputlookup lookup1.csv
| eval source="v1"
| append [
|inputlookup lookup2.csv | fields values
| eval source="v2"
| stats values(source) as sources by values
| where mvcount(sources)=1 AND sources="v1"
or you could do it like this
| inputlookup lookup1.csv where NOT [| inputlookup lookup2.csv | fields values ]