Here are two sample events
Event 1 -
2018-09-10 11:17:57,982 INFO [http-nio-] [BreakssFogFilter] BF27462 GET 7485905kb
Event 2 -
2018-09-10 11:10:55,644 INFO [http-nio-] [BreakssFogFilter] ZD07220 POST 1615031kb
Event 1 indicates that a user just logged in. Event 2 indicates a user logged out. Around 30 similar events get created with slightly different format events when a users logs in or logs out. It also specifies the user name in the events.
We are trying to figure out How many users(distinct) are logged in to the server at any specific hour by analyzing the events from the above mentioned event formats.
hey @zacksoft try this
<your_search>| rex field=_raw ".*\]\s(?<user>\w+)\s\w+" | timechart span=1h dc(user)
let me know if this helps!
hey @zacksoft try this
<your_search>| rex field=_raw ".*\]\s(?<user>\w+)\s\w+" | timechart span=1h dc(user)
let me know if this helps!
It executed for five minutes and the visualization was rendering well then all of a sudden it stopped and gave me an error
Streamed search execute failed because: Error in 'rex' command: regex=".*]\s(?\w+)\s\w+" has exceeded configured match_limit, consider raising the value in limits.conf
I might have to change the rex. I have written rex based on just 1 sample event given.
ok tell me do you have [BreakssFogFilter]
common in every sampling event then try this :
<your_search>| rex field=_raw "\[BreakssFogFilter\]\s(?<user>\w+)" | timechart span=1h dc(user)
Also, try this
<your_search>| rex field=_raw "\[\w+\]\s(?<user>\w+)\s\w{3,6}" | timechart span=1h dc(user)
Run it for a shorter period and see if it is giving you correct results then for longer one.
When I run for only 'last 4 hours' it works.
Here are two sample events
Event 1 -
2018-09-10 11:17:57,982 INFO [http-nio-] [BreakssFogFilter] BF27462 GET 7485905kb
Event 2 -
2018-09-10 11:10:55,644 INFO [http-nio-] [BreakssFogFilter] ZD07220 POST 1615031kb
Event 1 indicates that a user just logged in, , Event 2 indicates user logged out. Around 30 similar events gets created when a users logs in or logs out specifying the user name in the events.
We are trying to figure out How many users(distinct) are logged in to the server at any specific hour.
then you can write something like this in your base search to filter only logged in events.
<base search> "" | rex field=_raw "\[BreakssFogFilter\]\s(?<user>\w+)" | timechart span=1h dc(user)
If this solves your problem. accept the answer to close this question.
You Sir, are a genius !
Accepting your Answer.
Try this.
| rex field=_raw "\w+\]\s(?<user_name>\w{7})\s"
Please check this rex query... as i dont have logs, stats dc
wont work on this SPL.. you can test it on your splunk..
| makeresults
| eval _raw = "2018-09-10 09:07:40,502 INFO [http-nio-] [BreakssFogFilter] UG32791 POST 5928653kb"
| rex field=_raw "(?<UserName>\w+) POST"
| table UserName _raw
Could you help parse the user name from this event, the user name being gz71606.
2018-09-10 11:24:33,555 INFO [http-nio-] [MyfaultAuthenticator] login : 'gz71606' could not be authenticated with the given password
| rex field=_raw "\slogin\s\:\s\'(?<user>\w+)"
This is perfect.
something like <your index>| rex field=_raw "\s\[BreakssFogFilter](?<user>.*?)P" |timechart span=1h count by user