I have tried this:
| rest /services/saved/searches | table title search
I got only 36 results.
I then tried
| rest /services/saved/searches | table ***
to see all the fields.
**eai:acl.app matches what should show the Splunk App that the saved searches come from.
I got 36 results and eai:acl.app had "search" for all 36 of them. They match the saved searches in the search App.
I was running this as an id with the Admin role that should see all Apps.
I have over 100 Apps with anywhere from 3 to 70 saved searches each.
It does not matter that I am in any particular App (context). I get the same results only showing the 36 from the search App.
How do I list the saved searches from one (or more) of the other Apps?
This is on version 5.03
You'll want the servicesNS
REST endpoints, like this:
| rest /servicesNS/-/your_app/saved/searches
| rest /servicesNS/your_user/your_app/saved/searches
You'll want the servicesNS
REST endpoints, like this:
| rest /servicesNS/-/your_app/saved/searches
| rest /servicesNS/your_user/your_app/saved/searches
The answer by martin_Muller works, but be aware that you need to be logged in as a user that has access to Your_app
| rest /servicesNS/Your_user/Your_app/saved/searches | table eai:acl.app author title search
Note, unless you are an admin role you will not see the "private" non-shared saved searches
Many thanks to martin_mueller for a quick answer!