We need to add a set of data model accelerations and we would like to understand the impact on the system.
The following query helps but we would like to know if there is any other way -
`dmc_set_index_introspection` host=<name> sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage component=PerProcess data.search_props.sid::*
| `dmc_rename_introspection_fields`
| `dmc_set_bin`
| stats dc(sid) AS distinct_search_count by _time, type
| `dmc_timechart` Median(distinct_search_count) AS "Median of search concurrency" by type
Install the SplunkAdmin app. This will give you tons of details on DMA performance
The following dashboards are search head or search head cluster specific:
- Data Model Rebuild Monitor
- Data Model Status
Install the SplunkAdmin app. This will give you tons of details on DMA performance
The following dashboards are search head or search head cluster specific:
- Data Model Rebuild Monitor
- Data Model Status
Thank you @skoelpin.
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