Hello All,
I have been struggling with what seems to be a very simple concept. Can someone please help me correct this eval statement with OR and AND? I would like to display:
if name is in All - in both Department and Station = 0
If name is not in Department =1
if name is in Station =2
I mainly want to get clarity on the structure of my eval statement using OR and AND.
| eval Name=if(((All=="No" OR All=="Yes") AND Department=="No" AND Station=="Yes"), "0","1", "2")
Do you have some sample/dummy data with inputs and expected outputs.
It's bit confusing at first glance , for e.g for value=2, what should be the value of Department?
are you looking for something similar to below?
if (Station="Yes", if(Department="Yes",0,1),2)
Do you have some sample/dummy data with inputs and expected outputs.
It's bit confusing at first glance , for e.g for value=2, what should be the value of Department?
are you looking for something similar to below?
if (Station="Yes", if(Department="Yes",0,1),2)