I am a Veteran and signed up for the Veterans SplunkWork+ program but all it says on the courses is "Pending Approval", how long does it take to get approved?
@Moyad63 - if you have not yet received a confirmation email that your SplunkWork+ account has been set up, please re-try your registration at veterans.splunk.com. Sign up requires both 1) TroopID validation and 2) Splunk account login, so please make sure you've completed both steps. Hope this helps!
Hey @Moyad63, I'm checking in to see if I can get a typical ETA, but wanted to let you know that you can get started right away with the free Splunk Fundamentals 1 course if you'd like to learn about Splunk while that process is finalized.
Ok I will check it out Thank You @lfedak