It would be nice to see/select all of the values/modifiers that can be passed in a refresh command, rather than specifying them in the URL and relying on a cheat sheet/website.
There are other ways to submit a feature request.
1) Fill out a P4 ticket.
2) Ask your Sales Engineer to submit the request for you.
However, I happen to be a Sales Engineer and I see real value in this request... So I have submitted it for you. I think that this could be achieved by adding "advanced options" in server controls, under settings. It would also make sense to add "bump" here as well.
The Splunk on Splunk app has a utility called "the fresh maker" under "other tools" which has a nice list of these but it's out of date.
You can find them on your own by browsing the rest endpoints looking for _reload endpoints.
There are other ways to submit a feature request.
1) Fill out a P4 ticket.
2) Ask your Sales Engineer to submit the request for you.
However, I happen to be a Sales Engineer and I see real value in this request... So I have submitted it for you. I think that this could be achieved by adding "advanced options" in server controls, under settings. It would also make sense to add "bump" here as well.
Thank you!
For the record, are those the only two ways of submitting new ideas for Splunk? If so, I almost want to make a "Feature Request: Feature Requests" request, as I can see a lot of value in community-driven enhancement requests.
I see the value in it as well. Though Splunk will want to prioritize their feature requests not just by the merit of it being a good idea, but also the paying customers who are requesting it.
If you want to submit a feature request, see this post:
I would like to believe that's an outdated method of requesting new features or pitching new ideas, since it's from six years ago and not officially called out anywhere on the Splunk Answers site (that I found, anyway), and I'm sure I'm not the only person who's gone to Splunk Answers who said "hey, I want to pitch an idea/enhancement".
Nevermind it completely eliminates the opportunity for the Splunk community at-large to discuss and refine the idea, it would mean the only people who could request new features or enhancements to Splunk were ones that had paid support contracts... which, you know, kind of goes against the whole community-oriented aspect in the first place.