Hi Everyone,
I`m learning about the Splunk REST API and I`m experiencing some temperamental behaviour, for example I can fetch results using the query listed below from some reports, but it fails for others, example below:
curl -k -H "Authorization: Splunk myValidToken" https://myValidDomainName.splunkcloud.com:8089/services/saved/searches/%5BLOOKUP%5D%20Active%20Directory%20Devices%20No2/acl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<msg type="ERROR">Could not find object id=[LOOKUP] Active Directory Devices No2</msg>
The report name is correct.
Have you got any suggestions for me ?
Many thanks,
This occurs when the object you're referencing is not visible in the user's default context. You can reference the user/app context directly with:
where <user> and <app> are the user name and app name, respectively. If you have read access to the object but don't know the owner or app, you can use hyphens as wildcards:
This occurs when the object you're referencing is not visible in the user's default context. You can reference the user/app context directly with:
where <user> and <app> are the user name and app name, respectively. If you have read access to the object but don't know the owner or app, you can use hyphens as wildcards:
Worked like a charm, much appreciated.