Hello ,
I am trying to figure out how to enable users to maintain their saved searches , reports and alerts in version control.
Application teams login to Splunk UI and create their own reports , alerts etc.
Those get to be written to savedsearches.conf files , private or shared.
So application owners want their portion of the configuration be available to them to maintain in , say a Git repo.
We are using clustered searchhead deployment and also have a separate shc deployer system.
Thought about setting up a cron job to git clone /opt/splunk/etc/users/<user-id>/search/local/savedsearches.conf.
I am not sure how it may work, seemed clunky.
Is there any other way for teams (standard users) to download , track and update their report, alert configuration without use of GUI ?
I built a version control app for allowing backup and restore of what users created but there are many approaches to this issue.
The app is linked in my signature.
Other options for backup or config management include those from community slack. Pasted below
Helpful links for configuration management and deployment automation:
- https://pypi.org/project/kintyre-splunk-conf/
- https://github.com/Bre77/splunk-config-editor
- https://github.com/paychex/Splunk.Conf19
- https://github.com/paychex/splunk-python/tree/main/Splunk2Git
- https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4355/ and https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/5061/
- https://github.com/atkouki/splunk-cloud-cicd
- https://github.com/splunk/acs-privateapps-demo
- https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/6368/ (btool output, even for indexers)
- https://github.com/gjanders/Splunk many scripts for managing KOs via REST API
- Export custom apps (i...https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/6686