hi, i've been reading over the threads on the topic, and most splunkers are looking at removing some data for space-saving purposes, but I haven't come across any responses addressing performance.
our splunk data has a few different data types - analytics data, backup reports, internal testing logs and some others. while we want to keep analytics data for indefinite periods, I am finding that the reports are becoming very sluggish, and was wondering what approach would be best to strip out specific data. Would the ' | delete ' command prevent the events from being scanned during reporting and improve performance? Or is there another mechanism that would work better for this?
The sort of approach I am looking for, as an example, would be to remove / archive / purge:
busy reading up on creating multiple indexes http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Indexer/Setupmultipleindexes it offers what i am looking for.
what happens to data with a sourcetype of my_sourcetype that doesn't match the regex? does it go to the main index?
I am following the example to try redirect a sourcetype to an alternative index. The sourcetype definition uses an extract. After adding the transforms to props.conf, I don't see the transformation in the web manager. This is what I have:
EXTRACT-backuplog = STATUS: \[Name: (?P<JobName>[^,]+), Result: (?P<JobResult>[^;]+);
TRANSFORMS-index = IndexRedirect
DEST_KEY = _MetaData:Index
FORMAT = backup_index
How would I configure an extractor and a transform for a sourcetype?
busy reading up on creating multiple indexes http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Indexer/Setupmultipleindexes it offers what i am looking for.