Monitoring Splunk

how to get the total each indexer volume size utilization in the indexer cluster of 10


how to get the total each indexer volume size utilization in the indexer cluster of 10.
i have the cluster manager with 10 indexers and like to know is there a way to query from the CM or the dashboard view the volume utilization of each indexer.
we don't have the distribution monitoring console setup yet.
we have 1 SH cluster with 5 SH
10 indexers
1 deployer to manage SH cluster

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you could found suitable SPL from MC's indexing -> Indexes and Volumes: Deployment dashboard.

Here it is without MC groups. This should work without MC configuration.

| rest  services/data/index-volumes splunk_server=<YOUR INDEXERS HERE with wildcard>
| eval _dmc_volume = if(isnotnull(title), title, '') 
| where NOT _dmc_volume == "_splunk_summaries" 
| fields - _dmc_volume 
| eval volumeSizeGB = if(total_size > 1, round(total_size / 1024, 2), null()) 
| eval sizeUsagePerc = total_size / max_size * 100 
| stats dc(splunk_server) as Instances count(eval(total_size > 1)) as "Non-Empty Instances" sum(volumeSizeGB) as totalSize avg(volumeSizeGB) as avgSize avg(sizeUsagePerc) as avgSizePerc perc90(sizeUsagePerc) as ninetyPercentileSizePerc count(eval(total_size > max_size)) as volumesFreezingDueToSize by title 
| eval totalSize = if(isnotnull(totalSize), totalSize, 0) 
| eval avgSize = if(isnotnull(avgSize), round(avgSize, 2), 0) 
| eval avgSizePerc = if(isnotnull(avgSizePerc), round(avgSizePerc, 2)."%", "N/A") 
| eval avgSizePerc = if(isnotnull(avgSizePerc), round(avgSizePerc, 2)."%", "N/A") 
| eval ninetyPercentileSizePerc = if(isnotnull(ninetyPercentileSizePerc), round(ninetyPercentileSizePerc, 2)."%", "N/A") 
| eval volumesFreezingDueToSize = if(avgSizePerc != "N/A", volumesFreezingDueToSize, "N/A") 
| rename title as "Volume" totalSize as "Total Size (GB)" avgSize as "Average Size (GB)" avgSizePerc as "Average Usage (%)" ninetyPercentileSizePerc as "90th Percentile Usage (%)" volumesFreezingDueToSize as "Volumes Freezing Due To Size"

I think that you could change this easily to match your actual needs?

r. Ismo 

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