I have following search. how can I add indexes information in the results:
|tstats max(_time) as _time, where index=windows by host,index
|append [|metadata type=hosts index=win index=linux ]
| eval now=now() | eval diff= now - lastTime | search diff > 18000 | eval notreportingsince=tostring(diff,"duration")
| table host lastTime notreportingsince | convert ctime(lastTime) as lastTime
| table host notreportingsince lastTime,index
Try something like this
|tstats max(_time) as _time, where index=windows [|metadata type=hosts index=win index=linux
| eval now=now() | eval diff= now - lastTime | where diff > 18000 | table host ] by host,index
hi @ITWhisperer , I just need a list of hosts which are not reporting since last 5 days along with index information.
Try something like this
|tstats max(_time) as _time, where index=windows [|metadata type=hosts index=win index=linux
| eval now=now() | eval diff= now - lastTime | where diff > 18000 | table host ] by host,index
What is it that you are trying to achieve that metadata is not giving you?