Hello all, On the splunkd health report, what is the difference between Search Lag & Delay? [ref: https://docs.splunk.com/images/e/ee/Splunkd_health_report_8.0.0.png]
Our deployment has a high number of savedsearches that trigger on cron (every 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h etc) and we are working to minimise the concurrency by introducing Scheduler Window & Skew.
I know exactly which searches are triggering beyond the scheduled time (dispatch_time - scheduled_time from the scheduler.log) and which searches are skipping.
But I do not understand what Splunk signifies as Lag & Delay in terms of searches..
I have gone through the $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/health.log & server/health/splunkd/details API endpoints but they give the same messages as the Health Indicator.. Thanks in advance!
There is an app on splunkbase named Alerts For Splunk Admins.
Have you tried the app to find the slowness?
Regards Jan