Monitoring Splunk

Memory and CPU performance issues with field extractions


I'm trying to extract data from Nessus 5 XML reports. I have configured Splunk to treat each ReportItem object in the XML as a single event and then extract the individual vulnerabilities from those events into a multi-valued field and then I use mvexpand to make a single event out of each vulnerability . Whether I use rex in the search pipeline, a REPORT item in transforms.conf/props.conf, or xpath, the search performance is abysmal when searching over hundreds of hosts. The search takes all of a core and eventually consumes all of the available memory while taking something like 45 minutes or more to run.

Is there any way to structure the search so that it's either faster or that it doesn't consume as much memory? Here is a search using a transform to extract the vulnerabilities into a multi-valued field called "nessus_exploit" for each host record:

index=vulnerabilities sourcetype=nessus |

eval scanner="Nessus" |

eval status="Active" |

rex field=_raw "host-fqdn\"&gt;(?P<hostname>[^&lt;]+?)(.(?P<domainname>[^&lt;]+))*?&lt;" |

eval hostname=if(isnull(hostname),dest,hostname) |

eval dest_nt_host=if(isnull(dest_nt_host),"None",dest_nt_host) |

convert timeformat="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" mktime(last_scan) |

eval domainname=if(isnull(domainname),"None",domainname) |

mvexpand nessus_exploit |

fields scanner,last_scan,dest,hostname,domainname,dest_nt_host,os,status,nessus_exploit |

rex field=nessus_exploit "(?i)port=\"(?P<dest_port>\d+)\"\ssvc_name=\"(?P<service_name>[^\"]+)\"\sprotocol=\"(?P<protocol>[^\"]+)\"\sseverity=\"(?P<severity>[^\"]+)\"\spluginID=\"(?P<nessus_id>[^\"]+)\"\spluginName=\"(?P<signature_name>[^\"]+)" |

eval severity=severity+1 |

rex field=nessus_exploit max_match=100 "(?i)&lt;cve&gt;CVE-(?P<cve_id>\d+-\d+)" |

rex field=nessus_exploit max_match=100 "(?i)&lt;bid&gt;(?P<bugtraq_id>\d+)" |

rex field=nessus_exploit max_match=100 "(?i)&lt;xref&gt;OSVDB:(?P<osvdb_id>\d+)" |

rex field=nessus_exploit "(?i)solution&gt;(?P<solution>[^&lt;]+)" |

rex field=os max_match=20 "(?i)(?P<os>[^\n]+)" | eval vuln_id=nessus_id |

eval cve_id=if(isnull(cve_id),"None",cve_id ) |

eval bugtraq_id=if(isnull(bugtraq_id),"None",bugtraq_id ) |

eval osvdb_id=if(isnull(osvdb_id),"None",osvdb_id ) |

lookup bugtraq_cve_lookup bugtraq_id OUTPUT cve_id AS bugtraq_cve |

lookup osvdb_cve_lookup osvdb_id OUTPUT cve_id AS osvdb_cve |

eval cve_combined=mvjoin(cve_id,".") | eval bugtraq_cve=mvjoin(bugtraq_cve,".") |

eval osvdb_cve=mvjoin(osvdb_cve,".") |

eval cve_id=toString(cve_combined)+"."+toString(bugtraq_cve)+"."+toString(osvdb_cve) |

makemv delim="." cve_id | mvexpand cve_id |

where cve_id!="Null" AND now()-last_scan<=2592000 |

dedup dest,protocol,dest_port,vuln_id,cve_id |

lookup nvdb_cvss_lookup cve_id OUTPUT cve_score |

eval cve_score=if(isnull(cve_score),"0.0",cve_score) |

table scanner,last_scan,dest,hostname,domainname,dest_nt_host,protocol,dest_port,cve_id,cve_score,bugtraq_id,osvdb_id,severity,signature_name,vuln_id,solution |

outputlookup open_vulnerabilities_lookup.csv

Here is the search performance data. Looks like is taking the most amount of time.

Execution costs

Duration (seconds) Component Invocations Input count Output count

0.016 command.convert 26 987 987

0.649 command.dedup 26 38,864 36,532

0.912 command.eval 390 732,910 732,910

0.032 command.fields 52 167,308 167,308

1.384 command.lookup 78 190,186 190,186

0.24 command.makemv 26 76,827 76,827

149.494 command.mvexpand 52 77,814 318,424

8.716 command.prededup 26 90,481 38,865

2.763 command.rex 182 461,949 461,949

2,788.773 26 - 987

2,785.98 3 - -

1.408 3 - -

0.827 26 987 987

0.502 3 2,746 2,746

0 3 2,746 2,746

0 3 - -

0 3 - -

0 3 2,746 2,746

0 26 987 987

14.574 command.where 26 241,597 90,481

0.11 dispatch.createProviderQueue 1 - -

0.219 dispatch.evaluate 1 - -

0.204 1 - -

0 dispatch.evaluate.convert 1 - -

0 dispatch.evaluate.dedup 1 - -

0 dispatch.evaluate.eval 15 - -

0 dispatch.evaluate.fields 1 - -

0 dispatch.evaluate.lookup 3 - -

0 dispatch.evaluate.makemv 1 - -

0 dispatch.evaluate.mvexpand 2 - -

0 dispatch.evaluate.outputlookup 1 - -

0 dispatch.evaluate.rex 7 - -

0 dispatch.evaluate.table 1 - -

0 dispatch.evaluate.where 1 - -

2,966.083 dispatch.fetch 26 - -

147.375 dispatch.preview 3 - -

0 dispatch.reduce 1 - -

0.192 dispatch.results_combiner 26 - -

2,966.068 26 - -

171.246 dispatch.timeline 26 - -

0.875 startup.handoff 1 - -

What can I do to speed this up?



Tags (1)
0 Karma

Path Finder

well you search command seems to be taking most of the time

2,788.773 26 - 987

have you tried switching to faster media? The search is main part of your waiting 2,788/60 ~ 46 minutes

0 Karma


I noticed you said you tried xpath, but have you tried using spath. Spath without any arguments will perfrom an auto-extract which may simplify some of the work you are doing. You may also try the use of an intermediate heavy fowarder using the transforms.conf and props.conf to send cooked or searing data, taking some of the load off your indexers and search head.

0 Karma
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