10-17-2018 03:54:47.137 +0000 WARN ConfReplication - downloadDeployableApps: Got zero-size baseline configuration
10-17-2018 03:54:47.137 +0000 WARN ConfReplication - downloadDeployableApps: Error listing baseline configuration: Non-200/201 status_code=401; {"messages":[{"type":"ERROR","text":"Unauthorized"}]}
10-17-2018 03:54:47.036 +0000 WARN ConfReplication - downloadDeployableApps: Waiting 100ms ...
10-17-2018 03:54:47.036 +0000 WARN ConfReplication - downloadDeployableApps: Error listing baseline configuration: Non-200/201 status_code=401; {"messages":[{"type":"ERROR","text":"Unauthorized"}]}
10-17-2018 03:54:46.935 +0000 WARN ConfReplication - downloadDeployableApps: Waiting 100ms ...
10-17-2018 03:54:46.935 +0000 WARN ConfReplication - downloadDeployableApps: Error listing baseline configuration: Non-200/201 status_code=401; {"messages":[{"type":"ERROR","text":"Unauthorized"}]}
Following could be possible reason for this error:
1) secret key between deployer and cluster members are not same.
2) Make sure each member on search head cluster have different server name. In case server name is same with any member then it will give this error.
Hi enmanu,
Indeed it is a permission problem, but not one you're thinking of 😉
The problem is most likely caused by a mismatching pass4SymmKey
and is described in the docs here http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/DistSearch/PropagateSHCconfigurationchanges#Set_a...
If you're 100% sure the keys match, read this answer which provides a lot of information about troubleshooting a SHC https://answers.splunk.com/answers/242905/shc-troubleshooting-configurations-under-search-he.html
Hope this helps ...
cheers, MuS
Looks like a permission problem. Did you check permisisons on directories are set correctly?
Thank you for your response. I have checked the permissions. The error wont go away
did you ever get this resolved? I am experiencing the same issue and wondering if you had figured out a solution