Splunk Enterprise 8.1.3
I installed splunkforwarder-8.1.3-63079c59e632-AIX-powerpc.
AIX version is 7.1
A problem occurred that the connection to the AIX server where UF was installed was lost.
So I restarted AIX UF, but the connection was lost again.
the following error log is displayed right before disconnection
Check the logs below for further confirmation.
03-29-2023 05:00:28.927 +0900 WARN X509Verify - X509 certificate (O=SplunkUser,CN=SplunkServerDefaultCert) should not be used, as it is issued by Splunk's own default Certificate Authority (CA). This puts your Splunk instance at very high-risk of the MITM attack. Either commercial-CA-signed or self-CA-signed certificates must be used; see: <http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Security/Howtoself-signcertificates>
03-29-2023 05:00:28.938 +0900 INFO ArchiveProcessor - Handling file=/LOG/tux/CLOG.032723.Z
03-29-2023 05:00:28.942 +0900 INFO ArchiveProcessor - reading path=/LOG/tux/CLOG.032723.Z (seek=0 len=113564693)
03-29-2023 05:00:29.027 +0900 INFO UiHttpListener - Web UI disabled in web.conf [settings]; not starting
03-29-2023 05:00:29.097 +0900 INFO WatchedFile - Will begin reading at offset=13491182 for file='/LOG/tux/CLOG.032923'.
03-29-2023 05:00:29.250 +0900 ERROR ProcessRunner - child's last words: cannot find portable_pid_t 9372426 in _pidToUniqMap
03-29-2023 05:00:29.252 +0900 FATAL ProcessRunner - Unexpected EOF from process runner child!
03-29-2023 05:00:29.299 +0900 ERROR ProcessRunner - helper process seems to have died (child exited with code 255)!
03-29-2023 05:00:29.299 +0900 ERROR ExecProcessor - Exception attempting to setup event loop
03-29-2023 05:00:29.299 +0900 ERROR ExecProcessor - child's last words: cannot find portable_pid_t 9372426 in _pidToUniqMap