Monitoring Splunk

How to find the impacted records in last few minutes ?

Path Finder


I want to know if it is possible to show the number of impacted records in last 15 mins for the below search: 

Query: index = events_prod_tio_omnibus_esa ( "SESE023" OR "SESE020" OR "SESE030" )




Requirement : 

For the above search, if the search is executed at :
11:30 ==> It will show 0 records 

11:40 ==> It will show 2 records (as the last event raised on 11:37:14 is having 2 records and currenttime - event time < 15 mins)

11:50 ==> It will show 2 records (as the last event raised on 11:37:14 is having 2 records and currenttime - event time < 15 mins)

11:55 ==> It will show 0 records (as the last event raised on 11:37:14 is having 2 records but currenttime - event time >15 mins)


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0 Karma

Path Finder

Thanks @ITWhisperer  for an update. 

If I have to create Dashboard which will only display the number of records (example 2) if it is within 15 mins and 0 if latest event is less than 15 mins. 

Is it possible to create such dashboard ?? 

0 Karma


If I understand correctly, then yes; you could use a single to display a number, you just need a search to calculate the number for your. The stats command can easily count the number of events returned by the search.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi @ITWhisperer 

My requirement is to fetch the value from the latest event (even if I restrict the search to 30 mins). 

Example :

Query : index = events_prod_tio_omnibus_esa ( "SESE023" ) sourcetype=Log_mvs
| rex field=msg "(ADV|ALERT REACH)\s* (?<Nb_msg>[^\s]+)"
| rex field=msg "NB\s* (?<Msg_typ>[^\s]+)"
| table Nb_msg


Result : 



I want to display the value "Nb_msg" in the result if there is any event in the last 15 mins. if there is no event in the last 15 mins , then display the value "0" in the result.


Currently with the query (attached above) , i am getting the value "Nb_msg" from all the events generated in last 15 mins. 


0 Karma


I am not sure I understand - if you restrict the search to the last 15 minutes, you will either get a number of events or none. If you want to determine how many events you have you could do this

index = events_prod_tio_omnibus_esa ( "SESE023" ) sourcetype=Log_mvs
| rex field=msg "(ADV|ALERT REACH)\s* (?<Nb_msg>[^\s]+)"
| rex field=msg "NB\s* (?<Msg_typ>[^\s]+)"
| table Nb_msg
| appendpipe
  [| stats count]
| table count
| where isnotnull(count)
0 Karma

Path Finder

Sorry , my query was not that. 

I will try to explain it again. 

Query : 

index = events_prod_tio_omnibus_esa ( "SESE030" ) sourcetype=Log_mvs
| rex field=msg "(ADV|ALERT REACH)\s* (?<Nb_msg>[^\s]+)"
|stats latest(Nb_msg) as Back_log

If there is no record fetched in last 15 mins , then currently it is showing "No results found. Try expanding the time range." I will to display the number as 0 instead of "No results found. Try expanding the time range.". 

Is it possible ?? 

0 Karma


Try the appendpipe as I suggested

index = events_prod_tio_omnibus_esa ( "SESE030" ) sourcetype=Log_mvs
| rex field=msg "(ADV|ALERT REACH)\s* (?<Nb_msg>[^\s]+)"
|stats latest(Nb_msg) as Back_log
| appendpipe
  [| stats count
   | where count=0
   | rename count as Back_log]
| table Back_log
0 Karma


It looks like your event time is already in the _time field i.e. your timestamp parsing appears to be correct, therefore, if you restrict your search to the last 15 minutes, you won't get any events prior to that.

0 Karma
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