I have four hosts. H1, H2, H3, H4
each host have cpu_load
I want to find min cpu_load and max cpu_load. Find the min/max out of all host. In My scenario out of 4 host, find the min/max.
| stats min(host of cpu_load) as Min, max(host of cpu_load) | eval diff=max-min | alert based on diff
Any help is appreciated. Thank you
I changed the question a bit.
... | stats count by host
H1 200
H2 340
H3 400
H4 250
The count of each host is different. How would you eval min_value and max_value of these host counts?
| stats count by host
| eventstats max(count) as max_value min(count) as min_value
| eval diff = max_value - min_value
try eventstats
try this:
| stats max(cpu_load) as max_tmp min(cpu_load) as min_tmp by host
| eventstats max(max_tmp) as max_final min(min_tmp) as min_final
| eval max_flag=if(max_tmp=max_final,1,0) , min_flag=if(min_tmp=min_final,1,0)
| where min_flag=1 OR max_flag=1
|stats max(cpu_load) as max min(cpu_load) as min by host
mmm.. It didn't do it. Let me ask the question in different way. Lets forget about CPU. Lets say each host is giving you count of sessions or count of traffic.
index=app | stats count by host
result based on 4 host
How would you find max count out of 4 host