I'd like to detect when disk rate of change exceeds 20% within a 1 hour period and the search below works for a single host and fails when searching all hosts.
index="os" sourcetype="df" host="*" | multikv fields FileSystem, UsePct | strcat host '@' Filesystem Host_FileSystem |eval UsedPct=rtrim(UsePct,"%")| convert num(usedPct)| stats first(UsedPct) as previous, last(UsedPct) as current | eval rateofchange=current/previous | rename rateofchange as "% Rate of Change" | where current/previous > 20
I think it will work if you just add "by Host_FileSystem " to your stats
command. I would also use earliest
and latest
instead of first
and last
. And I think that you may need need to adjust your calculation.
You are expressing the disk usage in percentage already. What does "% Rate of Change" really mean? If you were using 30% of the filesystem and are now using 40% of the file system one hour later, the rate of change is 10% per hour. Or you could compute the "rate of change" based on prior usage, so it would be 10/30*100 = 33%. Dividing current
by previous
gets you a ratio, but not a percentage...
index="os" sourcetype="df" host="*"
| multikv fields FileSystem, UsePct
| strcat host '@' Filesystem Host_FileSystem
| eval UsedPct=rtrim(UsePct,"%")
| convert num(usedPct)
| stats earliest(UsedPct) as previous, latest(UsedPct) as current by Host_FileSystem
| eval rateofchange=round((current-previous)/previous,2)
| where rateofchange > 20
| rename rateofchange as "% Rate of Change"
I think it will work if you just add "by Host_FileSystem " to your stats
command. I would also use earliest
and latest
instead of first
and last
. And I think that you may need need to adjust your calculation.
You are expressing the disk usage in percentage already. What does "% Rate of Change" really mean? If you were using 30% of the filesystem and are now using 40% of the file system one hour later, the rate of change is 10% per hour. Or you could compute the "rate of change" based on prior usage, so it would be 10/30*100 = 33%. Dividing current
by previous
gets you a ratio, but not a percentage...
index="os" sourcetype="df" host="*"
| multikv fields FileSystem, UsePct
| strcat host '@' Filesystem Host_FileSystem
| eval UsedPct=rtrim(UsePct,"%")
| convert num(usedPct)
| stats earliest(UsedPct) as previous, latest(UsedPct) as current by Host_FileSystem
| eval rateofchange=round((current-previous)/previous,2)
| where rateofchange > 20
| rename rateofchange as "% Rate of Change"
Your suggestion worked !!! I modified the stats command per your suggestion to return a percentage.
index="os" sourcetype="df" host="*" earliest=-2h@h latest=@h
| multikv fields FileSystem, UsePct
| strcat host '@' Filesystem Host_FileSystem
| eval UsedPct=rtrim(UsePct,"%")
| convert num(usedPct)
| stats earliest(UsedPct) as previous, latest(UsedPct) as current by Host_FileSystem
| eval rateofchange=round(((current-previous)/previous)*100,2)
| where rateofchange > 1
| table _time host Host_FileSystem previous current rateofchange