When I try to disable the Deployment Monitor from the Manager, I get the following error:
Error occurred attempting to disable SplunkDeploymentMonitor: In handler 'localapps': Cannot update application info: /nobody/SplunkDeploymentMonitor/app/install/state = disabled: Could not flush changes to disk: /nobody/system: ConfPathMapper: /apps/splunk/etc/apps/SplunkDeploymentMonitor/local.
I'm sure that I could disable it from the conf files and then restart, but what does this mean?
I'm running Splunk 4.2.4 on RH Linux.
Have you checked that you have enough permissions (i.e. 'write') on the apps/SplunkDeploymentMonitor directory (and subdirectories). I seem to recall that I've come across similar errors when trying to enable the DeploymentMontior.
hope this helps
Have you checked that you have enough permissions (i.e. 'write') on the apps/SplunkDeploymentMonitor directory (and subdirectories). I seem to recall that I've come across similar errors when trying to enable the DeploymentMontior.
hope this helps