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some questions about

Path Finder

Hello, I am a beginner in splunk. I started implementing an enterprise splunk. At present from splunk I need monitoring of files, the register and logs, and some perfmon counters. But I met difficulties. I nave:
1) FileSystem monitoring:

pollPeriod = 3600
index = fschange
filters = ignore_logs
signedaudit = false
hashMaxSize = 104857600
recurse = true
followLinks = false
fullEvent = false
sendEventMaxSize = -1
filesPerDelay = 100
delayInMills = 1000

But when I create the directory (file), or I delete, splunk doesn't report to me about it.

2) Monitoring free space

interval = 300
object = PhysicalDisk
counters = % Free Space; Free Megabytes
disabled = 0
instances = *
index = perfmon

It at all doesn't work.

3) Monitoring windows registry

baseline = 0
disabled = 0
hive = \\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\?.*
proc = C:\\.*
index = winreg
type = rename|set|delete|create

It at all doesn't work.

Can you help me?

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1 Solution


On first look perfmon object is wrong. Physical Disk doesn't have those counters, Logical disk has.

interval = 300
object = LogicalDisk
counters = % Free Space; Free Megabytes
disabled = 0
instances = *
index = perfmon

Regmon you have provided path in "proc" rather than the process name.

Use Monitor instead of fschange which is depreciated. But you need to put more logic to find out the file creation and deletion.

More details you can refer this:


View solution in original post


On first look perfmon object is wrong. Physical Disk doesn't have those counters, Logical disk has.

interval = 300
object = LogicalDisk
counters = % Free Space; Free Megabytes
disabled = 0
instances = *
index = perfmon

Regmon you have provided path in "proc" rather than the process name.

Use Monitor instead of fschange which is depreciated. But you need to put more logic to find out the file creation and deletion.

More details you can refer this:


Path Finder

Yes, at last I made the register monitoring. It is necessary to set up monitoring of file system

0 Karma

Path Finder

Thanks, the first issue is resolved. I read input.conf, but didn't find specific examples about registry and monitoring of file system with a hash with monitor

0 Karma
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