Knowledge Management

What are ways to clean up log files which are already indexed?


we have a forwarder installed in different VM's and have log files like 2016-11-01 to 2016-11-21 and all them are indexed.

every month's end, i need to clean up logs from date 01 to 15.
how can i achieve this in Splunk? do we need write a custom script and configure cronjob in Splunk machine?

it would be great, if you provide any different thoughts to achieve this.

0 Karma


Hi rajgowd1,

I believe the best Splunk can offer by default is using [batch://] instead of [monitor://] to immediately destroy the original log file after indexing. Based on your requirement, a custom script with cronjob will be the most suitable.

0 Karma


thank you.can you please provide steps to implement using [batch://] option.

0 Karma



Sure, I've taken this from admin guide:

sourcetype = my_sourcetype
index = my_index
recursive = false
move_policy = sinkhole

Remember to add "move_policy = sinkhole".

0 Karma
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