Is there an addon(TA-iis perhaps) that follows the CIM for IIS logs?
The latest version of the app is ESS compatible and CIM compliant:
The latest version of the app is ESS compatible and CIM compliant:
Try this:
search = sourcetype=iis
web = enabled
FIELDALIAS-c_ip = c_ip as src
FIELDALIAS-cs_Cookie = cs_Cookie as cookie
FIELDALIAS-cs_Referer = cs_Referer as http_referrer
FIELDALIAS-cs_User_Agent = cs_User_Agent as http_user_agent
FIELDALIAS-cs_bytes = cs_bytes as bytes_in
FIELDALIAS-s_ip = s_ip as dest
FIELDALIAS-cs_method = cs_method as http_method
FIELDALIAS-cs_uri_stem = cs_uri_stem as uri_path
FIELDALIAS-s_sitename = s_sitename as site
FIELDALIAS-sc_bytes = sc_bytes as bytes_out
FIELDALIAS-sc_status = sc_status as status
FIELDALIAS-cs_username = cs_username as user
Created one myself.
How much is your TA?
Can you upload your TA or send me a copy so I don't have to reinvent the wheel?
just an eventtype with a tab of web.
Did you add anything else to this TA? Eventtypes, tags, etc?
+1 Thanks!
I used the OOB w3c indexed extractions added FIELDALIAS's.
c_ip as src
cs_Cookie as cookie
cs_Referer as http_referrer
cs_User_Agent as http_user_agent
cs_bytes as bytes_in
s_ip as dest
cs_method as http_method
cs_uri_stem as uri_path
s_sitename as site
sc_bytes as bytes_out
sc_status as status
cs_username as user
Care to share your props?