Hi Guys,
I know this seems very sill query but I am looking this in urgency and I don't have much time to create it from my side as of now as I am travelling. I have the Splunk presentation ( like Architecture, components, etc) and training on next week. So if you guys can help me to get/provide this, it would really fruitful for me.
Check out Slideshare
I just gave internal training to the organization but it's a basic overview of what Splunk is and how it works (Covers alerts, fields, dashboards) and also briefly goes over the components.
I can post the slides, but if you have been working with Splunk then it's nothing you probably didn't know already
Thanks buddy, if you can send those slides so that would be really helpful. It is required for one session which gonna be taken by me. I have short time and I suddenly got this task so I required this help. Can you please share those slides?
I had to redact some info, but here's the slides. Feel free to use them as you wish, just do not modify!
Hey,can you please share the link of presentation again,it would be great help for me.