Is it possible to reference a calculated field within another calculated field?
My original search query was:
| eval SourceServer=substr(source, 11, 6)
| eval SourceInstance=case(
SourceServer=="AAA001", "PROD",
SourceServer=="AAA002", "PROD",
SourceServer=="BBB001", "UAT",
SourceServer=="BBB002", "UAT",
1=1, "UNKNOWN")
My intention was to create two calculated fields. However, it doesn't look like SourceServer is processed before SourceInstance is, so all of the Events resolve to "UNKNOWN".
My alternative is to repeat the same logic for each option in the case statement which seems pretty inefficient.
substr(source, 11, 6)=="AAA001", "PROD",
substr(source, 11, 6)=="AAA002", "PROD",
substr(source, 11, 6)=="BBB001", "UAT",
substr(source, 11, 6)=="BBB002", "UAT",
1=1, "UNKNOWN")
When I try to chain them together in a single field, like the simplified example below I get the error "Encountered the following error while trying to update: Unexpected token"
| eval foo=4 | eval bar=foo+4
Is there anyway to accomplish the logic of my original query without having to repeat the first query for every option of the case statement in the second query?
Hi RWL01,
there must be something wrong somewhere else, because both examples work fine here:
First one:
| makeresults
| eval SourceServer=substr("ZZZZZZZZZZAAA001", 11, 6)
| eval SourceInstance=case(
SourceServer=="AAA001", "PROD",
SourceServer=="AAA002", "PROD",
SourceServer=="BBB001", "UAT",
SourceServer=="BBB002", "UAT",
1=1, "UNKNOWN")
As well as the second one:
cheers, MuS