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Mapping Splunk data models to Hive

New Member

Anyone know how to do this? I want to read Splunk data directly through hive, without archiving data to hadoop. Thanks.

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1 Solution


Hello. I have successfully queried hive with Splunk.

In a nutshell

  • you will need a license for Hadoop Analytics
  • You either use the metastore capability or you tell Splunk what datatype each Hive field
  • You tell Splunk the database and table name for Hive
  • You tell Splunk the path to the Hive data and what the db paths will look like
  • Splunk will run MUCH faster if your data has partitions

- setting up the provider can be a little bewildering if you have never done it

View solution in original post

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Hello. I have successfully queried hive with Splunk.

In a nutshell

  • you will need a license for Hadoop Analytics
  • You either use the metastore capability or you tell Splunk what datatype each Hive field
  • You tell Splunk the database and table name for Hive
  • You tell Splunk the path to the Hive data and what the db paths will look like
  • Splunk will run MUCH faster if your data has partitions

- setting up the provider can be a little bewildering if you have never done it

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New Member

Thanks a lot. will try this. Just want to make sure, the splunk data here is not archived to Hadoop. We can directly map from Hive to Splunk data model.

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Yes you associate a virtual index with a Hive table.

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