I have 2 Index in Index Cluster
Hot, Cold, Frozen
Hot and Cold are different disks
Frozen will use same disk for both Index
my question is: " The log will be replicated, Or Can I save just one Index into a Frozen and use it for backup Index Cluster?"
Hi @jacknguyen,
yes, if you're speaking of frozen buckets, you don't need to save buckets from both the Indexers, but only one.
Put attention to one thing: in an Indexer cluster, buckets are present in two parts: the part indexed by the same Indexer and the part indexed by the other Indexer and replicated on the first: you have to back-up both of them.
What if I just save only One Indexer for backup log, Is it work for both Indexer?
Hi @jacknguyen,
what do you mean with backup log?
in an indexer you have hot/warm and cold buckets, that you have to store in a filesystem (not NFS and not shared) and each one different.
If you want to have a copy of your data, you can do it, what what's the meaning of?
You can have a backup, but usually only warm and cold buckets are under backup policy because to backup hot buckets (that continously change) you need to stop Splunk.
Well I mean in Frozen log, If I save One Indexer and use it like a backup for Splunk Indexer Cluster. Is it ok? Or each Indexers just can use by only their Frozen. Sorry beacause the question is not clearly
Hi @jacknguyen ,
in this case (Frozen buckets), you can use the above filesystem for Frozen buckets., but not for hot, warm or cold buckets.
You mean, I can use 2 folder for two Indexer in a disk? I wanna ask If I just use one folder and save one Frozen' s Indexer 1 which can be used for backup data for all Indexer Cluster (both Indexer 1 and 2), Is that ok? I'm very hard to find document say clearly about this. My customer wanna know about that.
Do you know any documents Splunk say about this situation?
Hi @jacknguyen,
yes, if you're speaking of frozen buckets, you don't need to save buckets from both the Indexers, but only one.
Put attention to one thing: in an Indexer cluster, buckets are present in two parts: the part indexed by the same Indexer and the part indexed by the other Indexer and replicated on the first: you have to back-up both of them.
Hi @jacknguyen ,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉
Hai @jacknguyen ,
It isn't a best practice to use the same shared disk for more Indexers for many reasons,One of the Is that NFS isn't to use for Splunk storage.
It this is the only way (with mucho care and sure problems!), eventually use different folders.