While developing the splunk dash board,I should display result number up to 3 decimal point if those are having values(other thanszero) after dot .
example,if I have 2 querires, 1 case result 99.789 and 2 case having result has 99.000 in this case is should disply 1 case 99.789 but for the second case it displaying 99.000 instead of 99.
I have tried some condition like below.
global declaration for input
<set token="precisionVal">0.000</set>
condition in side the search
<set token="overall_pctg">$result.total_pctg$</set>
<condition match=" '$overall_pctg$' == 100">
<set token="precisionVal">0</set>
and apply the token in input field like below
but still I am getting as 0.[0-9][0-9][0-9]
Use eval expression in done element instead of using condition.
<eval token="precisionVal">case(match($result.overall_pctg$, "100.000"), 0, match($result.overall_pctg$, "\.[0]{3}$"), floor($result.overall_pctg$), 1==1, $result.overall_pctg$)</eval>