Hi kozhin
I Think that you can
- create two indexes A and B
- put your files in index A
-Then use This search code to tranfer its from A to B
index=A |collect index=B
Have you got an example of the data or some more detail on it?
You could have a look at the transaction command.
Yes for sure. here is an example
resp_qid: -1 issuer_posted: 0
smsgno: 0 sv_trace: 0
nwindicator: 0 timestamp: 0
devinfo: []
hpan: []
fld_flags: 00000000000000000000
17| =>proc_cmn_task_msg (cmn_task_msg.c)
strong text0| #---+++=== START MESSAGE LOG ===+++---#
Local date and time : 01/26/2015 12:02:32
0| 32.32.1C. 22.150..B
0| Rcvd NEEDS_FORMAT message:
0| =>db_sel_ctla_tab (db_ctla.pc)
0| G_atm_uses_new_tables is set to [0]
0| atm_uses_new_tables: return FALSE
0| Rowid selected: [AAABfQAAJAAAAMsAAz]
********************* CTLA_TAB structure ***********************
pid: 70150
ctype: 0 ttype: 700
tto: 1422262931 ntrans: 2961
respno: 101 msg_coord_num: 60
opstat: 0x80 procstat: 0x0008
oprob: 0x00
hreject: 0 areject:
1| msgsnd_w_retry [dst task: TXROUT, time: 26/01/2015 12:02:32.0360]: trying to send 173d bytes to target queue 4194314
strong text1| msgsnd_w_retry [dst task: TXROUT, time: 26/01/2015 12:02:32.0360]: Send msg to queue 4194314
1| ACK sent into SV.
1| solproc: READY received (B).
1| opstat = 0x128, procstat = 0x0.
1| =>check_dynamic_keychg (atmi_stat.c)
I need from start message to msgnsd.. i tried to use breakonlybefore but i had some useless peaces of info. so i need your advice
Is this when indexing data, or when searching on already indexed data? It sounds like you are having problems getting the events to break correctly. Do you want to skip parts of the log files when indexing?