Hi All ,
So i was trying to create an global field for a newly indexed data , so trying out with automatic lookup settings .
Ex- in the indexed data - datacenter name is not mentioned , so wanted to populate it using automatic lookup . I am able to do that , but for only 1 sourcetype , i have 100+ sourcetypes , is there any way to define apply to - sourcetype/hosts to multiple one . Please let me know .
* This stanza enables properties for a given <spec>.
* A props.conf file can contain multiple stanzas for any number of
different <spec>.
* Follow this stanza name with any number of the following setting/value
pairs, as appropriate for what you want to do.
* If you do not set a setting for a given <spec>, the default is used.
<spec> can be:
1. <sourcetype>, the source type of an event.
2. host::<host>, where <host> is the host, or host-matching pattern, for an
3. source::<source>, where <source> is the source, or source-matching
pattern, for an event.
4. rule::<rulename>, where <rulename> is a unique name of a source type
classification rule.
5. delayedrule::<rulename>, where <rulename> is a unique name of a delayed
source type classification rule.
These are only considered as a last resort
before generating a new source type based on the
source seen.
**[<spec>] stanza precedence:**
For settings that are specified in multiple categories of matching [<spec>]
stanzas, [host::<host>] settings override [<sourcetype>] settings.
Additionally, [source::<source>] settings override both [host::<host>]
and [<sourcetype>] settings.
Take a look at doing that in props.conf:
can i get a example for props.conf & transforms.conf for multiple host automatic lookup setup