Knowledge Management

How to append new row with few different values kv store?

Path Finder

Here is my kv store lookup 

name rating comment experience  subject
A 3 good 4 math
B 4 very good 7 science


now i want to append new row like this with different rating

name rating comment experience  subject
A 3 good 4 math
B 4 very good 7 science
A 5 Excellent  4 math


i am trying to use 



| inputlookup table_a
      |search name="A" |eval rating=5 ,comment="Execellent" key=_key| outputlookup  append=true  key_field=key table_a



But this is not working..Please someone help me with this..



Labels (1)
0 Karma


In what way is it not working?

You are setting key_field to the key from the original record - which is what you would do if you are trying to update an existing row in the table, but you actually want to append a new row. Remove the key_field=key, but keep the append=true


0 Karma

Path Finder

I tried it too.its not working

should i enable anything or add any property while creating lookup file

0 Karma


Are you talking about lookup files or kv stores?

Can you describe what is not 'working' and give an example of what you see when you try the commands


0 Karma

Path Finder

Its KV store..

when i try to add a row its updating the existing row

example, instead of this output i am getting

nameratingcommentexperience subject
B4very good7science
A5Excellent 4math


nameratingcommentexperience subject
B4very good7science


I tried these 2 solutions, I thought i dont have write access but i have i can update the  file but not able to add a new row


| inputlookup table_a
      |search name="A" |eval rating=5 ,comment="Execellent" key=_key| outputlookup  append=true  key_field=key table_a


| inputlookup table_a
      |search name="A" |eval rating=5 ,comment="Execellent" | outputlookup  append=true table_a



0 Karma


You are not doing what I suggested in my first response 

Remove the key_field=_key

You are explicitly telling it to update the SAME row in KV store

0 Karma

Path Finder

Please read the my previous response fully...I have tried in both ways

Anyways thanks for your response. I found a solution 


0 Karma

Path Finder

@sivaranjiniG Please let us know the solution as we are facing the same task.

0 Karma


Hi @cadrija,

I’m a Community Moderator in the Splunk Community.

This question was posted 1 year ago, so it might not get the attention you need for your question to be answered. We recommend that you post a new question so that your issue can get the  visibility it deserves. To increase your chances of getting help from the community, follow these guidelines in the Splunk Answers User Manual when creating your post.

Thank you! 

0 Karma
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