When you navigate to your Splunk webpage, you first come to a screen that checks for updates and then gives you the option to continue or install the update. Then you continue on to whichever application(s) you have configured.
I'd like to disable this initial screen and go straight to the default app - search app for instance. So by going to https://localhost I go straight to the Search app.
How is this possible? Note I am using the free version.
Worked for me on Enterprise 6.3.2 Build aaff59bb082c
The solution with updateCheckerBaseURL worked for me with Splunk 6 enteprise 8build 182037). Thanks.
I know this still works for Splunk 6 - free license. I just applied it myself.
Thank you for taking the moment to point out (subtly) that a user should build a simple file in the LOCAL sub directory to create a single key override, instead of editing the copy in the DEFAULT directory.
Is there a way to disable this for Splunk 6 Enterprise?
This does not work on the Enterprise version.
How can the check for new versions be disabled on Enterprise Splunk.
You will want to modify the updateCheckerBaseURL in your web.conf:
serviceFormPostURL = http://headlamp.Splunk.com/event/add
userRegistrationURL = https://www.Splunk.com/index.php/pre_reg?destination=prod_reg
updateCheckerBaseURL = http://quickdraw.Splunk.com/js/
* These are various Splunk.com urls that are configurable.
* Setting updateCheckerBaseURL to 0 will stop the SplunkWeb from pinging Splunk.com
for new versions of itself.
So basically you want to add a web.conf at $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/web.conf with the following:
updateCheckerBaseURL = 0
Then restart splunk for the settings to take effect.