How can I reinitialise my KV store or collection which already has data in it?
My use case is that I am mocking up a new app, but have decided to add and change certain fields into my already-existent KV store.
I've seen this example from the REST API guide and have used it successfully:
curl -k -u admin:changeme -X DELETE \
but i'm just wondering if it's possible to do it all in one go via the UI or a simple, quoted REST URI.
How are the answers below different than just doing:
|outputlookup <kvstorename>
Dangerously simple! It worked for me.
There is no easier way then just doing that |outputlookup Thanks!
splunk clean kvstore -app <appname> -collection <collection name>
Check the
splunk help clean
You can clean kvstore collection with clean command.