Hello All ,
Just wanted to know is there any way , in which we can identify that available CIM compliance add on on Splunk base normalizes to which data model of CIM Splunk ,
One way i know is to check tags .conf and eventype.conf , where they mentioned the data model name in form of tag ,
but if tags.conf and eventype.conf is not there then how to identify which data model is being used in addon .
If anybody has also faced the same issue , like me , or knows how to deal with it , please let me know .
Hi @kannu,
there isn't a pre-defined way to associate an Ad-On to a Data Model.
You should see the tags (defined in tags.conf), and map them to the Data Models Constraints that you can find in the pages of these URL: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/CIM/5.3.1/User/Howtousethesereferencetables .
Some Add-Ons could also be associated to more than one Data Model.
I am using tags.conf way only , but in few apps its not there , not even eventype.conf , so for those apps its become very difficult .
Few of them are:
Hi @kannu,
I understand: there aren't eventtypes.conf and tags.conf, (I don't understand how it was declared CIM compliant!).
The only way is consider them as custom and follow the normalization process using the Add-On builder or the SA-CIM Vlaidator.