
splunkforwarder 9.1.2 crashes on FreeBSD 14.0

Path Finder


I’ve upgraded my FreeBSD server from 13.2-RELEASE to 14.0-RELEASE. Now, Splunk forwarder crashes when I try to start it.

I made a clean install of the latest Splunk forwarder: same result.

Any hint appreciated.



pid 8593 (splunkd), jid 0, uid 0: exited on signal 11 (no core dump - too large)
pid 8605 (splunkd), jid 0, uid 0: exited on signal 11 (no core dump - too large)



edit: last lines of ktrace output

 11099 splunkd  NAMI  "/opt/splunkforwarder/etc/system/default/authentication.conf"
 11099 splunkd  RET   open 3
 11099 splunkd  CALL  fstat(0x3,0x82352cf30)
 11099 splunkd  STRU  struct stat {dev=10246920463185163261, ino=219, mode=0100600, nlink=1, uid=1009, gid=1009, rdev=18446744073709551615, atime=0, mtime=1699928544, ctime=1702914937.560528000, birthtime=1699928544, size=1301, blksize=4096, blocks=9, flags=0x800 }
 11099 splunkd  RET   fstat 0
 11099 splunkd  CALL  read(0x3,0x35c8bc0,0x1000)
 11099 splunkd  GIO   fd 3 read 1301 bytes
       "#   Version 9.1.2
	# Changes to default files will be lost on update and are difficult to
	enablePasswordHistory = false
	passwordHistoryCount = 24
	constantLoginTime = 0
	verboseLoginFailMsg = true
 11099 splunkd  RET   read 1301/0x515
 11099 splunkd  CALL  read(0x3,0x35c8bc0,0x1000)
 11099 splunkd  GIO   fd 3 read 0 bytes
 11099 splunkd  RET   read 0
 11099 splunkd  CALL  close(0x3)
 11099 splunkd  RET   close 0
 11099 splunkd  PSIG  SIGSEGV SIG_DFL code=SEGV_MAPERR
 11084 splunk   RET   wait4 11099/0x2b5b
 11084 splunk   CALL  write(0x2,0x820c56800,0x2a)
 11084 splunk   GIO   fd 2 wrote 42 bytes
       "ERROR: pid 11099 terminated with signal 11"
 11084 splunk   RET   write 42/0x2a
 11084 splunk   CALL  write(0x2,0x825106cf7,0x1)
 11084 splunk   GIO   fd 2 wrote 1 byte
 11084 splunk   RET   write 1
 11084 splunk   CALL  exit(0x8)
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1 Solution

Path Finder

For anyone wanting to push the idea of FreeBSD 14 support, this is where it can be done:

Feel free to spend up to 10 votes!

Thanks a lot for your support and for spreading the word 🙂

View solution in original post

0 Karma

Path Finder

For anyone wanting to push the idea of FreeBSD 14 support, this is where it can be done:

Feel free to spend up to 10 votes!

Thanks a lot for your support and for spreading the word 🙂

0 Karma


At the same time ask PFSense to port its firewall to Ubuntu or other Linux distro.

0 Karma


FreeBSD 11 is the only supported version for the 9.1.2 universal forwarder.

0 Karma

Path Finder

OK, I get your point but it works perfectly with FreeBSD 13.x and more importantly FreeBSD 11 itself has been «EOLed»  2 years and 3 months ago. So either Splunk has officially pushed new software for years for an unsupported OS, or they just didn’t bother to update the doc.

When they deprecated support for licensed products (ie full Splunk Enterprise) on FreeBSD, they documented that with proper warning. I see nothing about deprecating the Universal Forwarder package on FreeBSD…

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