Can I request, if someone can help me with below:
I have installed splunk free download initial 30 days on Centos 6.5 server edition.
When I start spunk with root user from init.d somehow the variables from splunk-launch.conf are not getting set.
I had to manually put spunk_home in bashrc and it is not an issue. For indexes.conf file I copied default copy from default to local. and it uses spunk_db and other environmental variables. I can set them all as well in bashrc, but that would make it more error prone because I will have to review each and every file where it is used.
I was wondering why the launch config is not being used when I try starting spunk.
Thanks !!
You won't see values like $SPLUNK_HOME in the whole OS. They are only available within Splunk. You can run a program as splunk would by typing ./splunk cmd ...
in Splunk's bin
$ whereis python
/usr/bin/python ...
$ /usr/bin/python
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['SPLUNK_HOME']
$ /opt/splunk/bin/splunk cmd /usr/bin/python
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['SPLUNK_HOME']