We are upgrading OS version to rhel 8.6 on splunk server. Would want to know what is the checklist in respect of splunk installed apps? And how check compatibility with splunk apps ?
Hi @Varsha1
There is no specfic checklist as such,
but you can you refer to OS, kernal compatability check list from following URL
and its better to take backup of splunk directotries
and depeding on SPlunk component you are trying to upgarde OS, please check other dependent components are not affected during that time(ex. indexer in cluser)
Hi @Varsha1
There is no specfic checklist as such,
but you can you refer to OS, kernal compatability check list from following URL
and its better to take backup of splunk directotries
and depeding on SPlunk component you are trying to upgarde OS, please check other dependent components are not affected during that time(ex. indexer in cluser)