I am getting very frustrated. Clean installs on multiple machines. Install errors out and says it rolls back changes. Directories are created in Program Files, they are not removed. There is no entry in Add/Remove Programs, there is no Service found in Services.msc.
Clicking Repair says the product must be installed first. I checked to see if our AV solution (Cylance) found anything, but nothing. I had the exact same problem last week on 2 different servers, that I attributed to an issue with a prior install of 7.2.24. NOTHING would work on those two machines, but these were different machines
In case it helps, here are the options I used for the manual install locally
1: Changed install directory to N:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder
2: accepted the default Cert
3: AD User & password
4: used SplunkAdmin & password
5: No Deployment Server
6: IP Address & Port 9997
So, the install works fine with a Local Account, rather than an AD Account. Even if I manually add the AD account to the Local Administrator group explicitly, it will not install.