
UF communication over the deployment server.

Loves-to-Learn Everything

i have installed the deployment server where configured required inputs.conf and outputs.conf for ingesting logs from UF to my indexer  on the deployment-app of deployment server, and configured the UF forwarder to the deployment server, i found the new host details in the deployment server under the forward management tab. And pointed to appropriate classes and apps from the forward-management  configuration. Still I'm not able to get the logs on the indexer.

when i see the error on the Splunkd log of uf.

Find the below error


11-20-2023 17:25:40.602 +0400 ERROR X509Verify - X509 certificate (O=SplunkUser,CN=SplunkServerDefaultCert) failed validation; error=7, reason="certificate signature failure"
11-20-2023 17:25:40.602 +0400 WARN SSLCommon - Received fatal SSL3 alert. ssl_state='SSLv3 read server certificate B', alert_description='decrypt error'.
11-20-2023 17:25:40.602 +0400 WARN HttpPubSubConnection - Unable to parse message from PubSubSvr:
11-20-2023 17:25:40.602 +0400 INFO HttpPubSubConnection - Could not obtain connection, will retry after=86.429 seconds.
11-20-2023 17:25:40.778 +0400 INFO WatchedFile - Will begin reading at offset=2295058 for file='/var/log/audit/audit.log'.
11-20-2023 17:25:46.129 +0400 INFO WatchedFile - File too small to check seekcrc, probably truncated. Will re-read entire file='/var/log/anaconda/ks-script-lk6ot_yw.log'.
11-20-2023 17:25:46.130 +0400 INFO WatchedFile - File too small to check seekcrc, probably truncated. Will re-read entire file='/var/log/anaconda/ks-script-wo9l091q.log'.
11-20-2023 17:25:49.856 +0400 INFO DC:DeploymentClient - channel=tenantService/handshake Will retry sending handshake message to DS; err=not_connected
11-20-2023 17:26:01.857 +0400 INFO DC:DeploymentClient - channel=tenantService/handshake Will retry sending handshake message to DS; err=not_connected
11-20-2023 17:26:07.910 +0400 INFO ScheduledViewsReaper - Scheduled views reaper run complete. Reaped count=0 scheduled views
11-20-2023 17:26:07.914 +0400 INFO TcpOutputProc - Removing quarantine from idx=
11-20-2023 17:26:07.914 +0400 INFO TcpOutputProc - Removing quarantine from idx=
11-20-2023 17:26:07.921 +0400 ERROR TcpOutputFd - Read error. Connection reset by peer
11-20-2023 17:26:07.928 +0400 ERROR TcpOutputFd - Read error. Connection reset by peer

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Loves-to-Learn Everything

Thanks @gcusello ,

 i just checked the configuration, and seems after changing the syanza, it worked and started connecting.

0 Karma


Hi @MayurMangoli ,

good for you, see next time!

let me know if I can help you more, or, please, accept one answer for the other people of Community.

Ciao and happy splunking


P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉

0 Karma


Hi @MayurMangoli ,

did you configured your Indexers to receive encrypted logs?

It seems that you forgot to add the correct configuration in the outputs.conf that you deployed to your UFs.

For more infos see at 



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