I'm very new to Splunk and just want some advise. I accidentally installed a 32 bit version of the universal forwarder on my test linux machine. is it fine to install the 64 bit version on top without removing the 32bit version and will this cause issues later? i'm also running splunk web on the same linux machine too.
any advise or suggestion please.
Thank you @gcusello and @isoutamo for your suggestions. And yes i agree should have checked and plan better. Yes it is the Splunk Enterprise single instance installation.
Just to ellaborate a little bit more - i untar the UF installtion file and then tried starting the UFs from the bin folder using sudo ./splunk start command but i ended up getting the error message below
Yes thats what i did and its working now - thanks for your advises.
Hi @ameet ,
let us know if we can help you more, or, please, accept one answer for the other people of Community.
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated by all the contributors 😉
Hi @ameet ,
the 32 bit UF should run on a 64 bit OS, but it's always better to have the correct version!
You can override installation, even if it's better to remove the old installation.
To avoid this kind of issues, It's always better to plan the installation, creating (e.g. on Excel) a list of destination systems with the OS and architecture of each one, to avoid to install the wrong version.